Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Quiet time in the laundry room

No, I didn't lock anyone in there- I have begun to lock myself in there. The laundry room is a quiet place filled with white noise. In there I am close enough to hear what is going on in the house in case anyone tries to kill anyone else ( boys will be boys after all)- or in case someone gets hurt etc... yet I am surrounded by enough white noise to drown out the kid noise, tv, or computer. I have started to use it as a place to carry on conversations with God during the day. I need time with God alone without distractions to allow the Holy Spirit to fill me so that I can hear what God wants me to do when, where, and how. Notice I left out the why- I have decided that it doesn't matter why- The laundry room reminds me of the blessings in my life. It has a ceiling and doors (shelter). It has clothes (we are not naked). We have food (stains on our clothes). There are cleaning supplies ( we are healthy - we can lysol the germs away when needed). We have electricity (which reminds me that the bills are paid because God has given Jeff multiple blessings through his job). Where is your quiet place? Do you have one? If not- you should find a place for you! God Bless!

1 comment:

Ang said...

I do have a quiet place I pray, but I like yours. Now do I have to clean up the kitty litter and make it a nice laundry room or just be thankful I have it?